TExES Music EC–12 (177) Exam Prep!
Money Back Guarantee (4 conditions)
1. Must score at least 85% on two practice test taken under the same conditions as the real test.
2. Must come to all recommended sessions and must score 90% on all assessments given or retake to score at least 90%.
3. Must commit to a improvement on test by a score increase and documented study time with study log and scoring 90% on assessment of studied material.
4. Must disclose any learning disabilities, engagements, schedule conflicts or special circumstances that would prevent 10hrs a week of study in preparation of the test.
This offers a free analysis of prior music test scores and focus on lowest area to increase points to pass the test. (1hr)
This offers a free analysis of prior music test scores and focus on lowest two areas to increase points to pass the test.
This offers a free analysis of prior music test scores if available. Also, this package provides an depth rewiew in Listening, Music Theory and Composition, History and Culture, Music Performance and Music Education. (4hrs to 6hrs)
Listening ..................................... $300
Theory/Comp ................................$500
History ...........................................$400
Performance .................................$500
Music Ed ..................................... ..$200
Performance/Listening............... $700
The Symphony
This offers a free analysis of prior music test scores if available. Also, this package provides a boot camp in Listening, Music Theory and Composition, History and Culture, Music Performance and Music Education. (10 hrs +)
The Composition
This offers test taking strategies such as question stems, reasoning and the testing lens. (1hr)
List the services included in this package:
1 Domain ............................................$1000
2 Domains ............................................$1800
3 Domains ........................................... $2700
4 Domains .............................................$3600
5 Domain................................................$4500
Comes with books and 2 domains equals one domain if you have not had a formal course in subject matter,
Jazz Combo
This service offers a variety of services which occurs with various times formats. You must pick at least three services to qualify for this package.
List the services included in this package:
In Depth Review 1 area........................$300
1 Domain..............................................$600
Testing Taking Strategies.................$75