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Biola Rotibi
Performing Arts Director/HR/Administator
Ronald OLiver
Visual Arts Director/

Biola Rotibi, A.A in Jazz Studies, B.M in Performance, B.S. in Biology, M.S. in Biology, Doctorate of Worship in Music (DWM), Educational Leadership/Grant Writing  Training, Graduate Studies Theory and Composition and Doctoral Coursework in Science/Math Education and Therapeutic Musician/Music Therapy Intern.

Biola was born in Denver, Co. and is a native of Baton Rouge, La. Presently, he is a certified Master Music Teacher and Distinguish Teacher Ambassador for Dallas Independent School District and serves as the Dean of Worship at Sacramento Theological Seminary. Previously, Dr. Rotibi served as adjunct professor of Biology, Microbiology, Anatomy and Physiology and Introduction to College Success at Tarrant County College in Arlington, Tx. He also worked as high school band and choral director and worked as a Piano/Math instructor with the University of California Davis in conjunction with Dallas Independent School District by using piano and computer based spatial temporal reasoning to improve standardized math scores and student achievement. Biola also serves as the Performing Arts Director for Fine Arts Expo in which he trains and evaluate teaching artist, actively performs, compose music and participates in community, cultural and worship experiences. In 2019, Dr. Rotibi released his smooth jazz debut album titled “Morning” with his band “Biola and Harmony” and was featured at the 2021 Riverfront Jazz Festival in Dallas.


“Artistic Statement”


I believe that music is a universal language that conveys emotions and speaks to the soul. Music is a part of the culture of the community and has the ability to transform and heal the hearts and minds of people. Music is not just for the people but music is of the people. Often times, music tells a story. A musical artist is a sonic magician and storyteller in disguise. 

















Ron Oliver, B.F.A. in Visual Arts and Graphic Design


Ron was born and raised in Dallas, Texas. He holds certifications from the Texas Education Agency (TEA) as a K-12 Visual Arts, K-12 ESL, and EC-6 Generalist teacher. He is in his twenty-third year of teaching for Dallas Independent School District (DISD). Ron has served as Co-Chair for Dallas ISD’s Home Rule Commission, a member of the Dallas ISD Districtwide Advisory Committee, and as a curriculum writer for DISD’s Visual and Performing Arts Department. He has presented PD workshops at numerous Texas Art Education Association Conferences. He has also received the distinction of Master Teacher by the TEA and TIA. 


As an independent artist, Ron serves as Visual Arts Director for Fine Arts Expo. His extensive artistic experience is called upon to teach, train, and mentor a variety of diversified artists as well as DISD art teachers. Through Fine Arts Expo, and his association with Dallas ISD, he performs live using paints, assorted drawing media, while creating theme-based pieces reflecting a particular venue’s needs or goals. Accompanying his live art performances is the Fine Arts Expo Musical Director, Biola Rotibi along with his musical ensemble.


“Artistic Statement”


Art is in itself a powerful tool to enact educational, humanitarian, and social change. But I never lose sight of the aesthetically charged outcomes from teaching and creating art. Art is a historical running record of our experiences and validates our existence.




















Kenisha Rotibi
Therpeutics Director/
Administative Liason

Kenisha Rotibi, B.S. in Psychology/Minor: Social Science, MSW in Social Work LCSW



Kenisha was born in Southern California and is a native of the Bay Area. (San Francisco and Oakland) Presently, she is working as a psycho-therapist in the DFW area. Previously, she has served as a Clinical Social Worker and Case Manager for Baylor, Methodist and Parkland hospitals, North Texas Physicians, various nursing homes and hospices, Child Protective Services and the Salvation Army. Prior to social work, Kenisha has also served as a PK and K teacher in a private school.

Ellen Oliver

Ellen Oliver, B.A in History and English


Ellen was born in and is a native of the DFW area. Presently, she a certified EC-8, TAG, English and History teacher.  She has also served as a TAG Coordinator which includes testing/interviewing students for advanced academics, curriculum adaptation to challenge students for diverse thinking and engaged students in logic games, classic literature and research projects for the Dallas Independent School District. Also, she has engaged students Vygostky's zone of proximal development while teaching guided reading and other literacy activities and numeracy activities and taught geography, financial literacy and world history/issues course. Currently, she serves and an Administrative Liason for Fine Arts Nth.


            THE TEAM



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